What will the weather be like in Łódź? Check the forecast for today, February 26, 2025. Rain or sun?
Wondering what the weather will be like today - Wednesday, February 26, 2025, in Łódź? Forecasts indicate whether residents can count on a sunny day or whether an umbrella will come in handy. Check what today's weather will bring and stay up to date with the weather forecast for the Łódź province for today!
What will the weather be like in Łódź today? On Wednesday, February 26, 2025, clouds will appear in central Poland. The cloud cover in Łódź is forecasted to be - according to weather forecasters - 99.9 percent. In the rest of the article, you will find out whether there will be precipitation in Łódź and the Łódź province. But that's not all that awaits us in the weather on Wednesday. What will the wind conditions be like today? Forecasts indicate that the wind will be from the north, and its speed will be from 1.8 km/h to 4.1 km/h.
What weather conditions can we expect in Łódź today? What will the day bring? Thermometers in Łódź on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, during the day will indicate from 1.3 degrees C to a maximum of 10.4 degrees C. During the day, the average UV index for the Łódź region will be: 0.4. The forecast shows that at night the temperature is expected to be from 4.4 degrees C to 4.9 degrees C.
The weather forecast for Łódź today assumes rainfall. But what do you need to know? Forecasters predict that the forecast for today, i.e. Wednesday, February 26, 2025, will include rainfall, and its height today will be up to 0.3 mm . It is worth being prepared for changing weather conditions. Additionally, the average air humidity today in Łódź will be: 84.7 percent.
What can we expect in the Łódź province on Wednesday, February 26, 2025? What temperatures can residents of selected towns in the region of this province expect? Check below:
City | Temperature | Precipitation |
Belchatow | 2.2°C - 10.2°C | no precipitation |
Birch groves | 0.9°C - 10.3°C | up to 0.2 mm |
Kutno | 0.7°C - 10.8°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Leczyca | 0.8°C - 10.8°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Lowicz | 0.3°C - 11.1°C | up to 0.3 mm |
Konstantynów Łódzki | 1.2°C - 10.4°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Pabianice | 1.1°C - 10.4°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Piotrkow Trybunalski | 2.4°C - 10.5°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Radomsko | 2.7°C - 10.2°C | no precipitation |
Rawa Mazowiecka | 0.8°C - 10.2°C | no precipitation |
Sieradz | 1.4°C - 9.5°C | no precipitation |
Skierniewice | 0.6°C - 10.7°C | no precipitation |
Tomaszow Mazowiecki | 2.1°C - 10.5°C | no precipitation |
Zduńska Wola | 1.7°C - 9.9°C | no precipitation |
Glowing | 0.9°C - 11.1°C | up to 0.4 mm |
Ozorkow | 1st C - 11.2st C | no precipitation |
Zgierz | 1.2°C - 10.9°C | up to 0.2 mm |
Weather forecasts based on data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway).
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