Weather forecast for today in Poznań. What will the weather be like on February 26 in the capital of Wielkopolska?
In this article you will find the daily weather forecast for Poznań for Wednesday, February 26, 2025. If you are looking for information on the long-term weather for Wielkopolska, follow the weather service "Fakt". See also the latest forecast for the entire region .
On Wednesday, February 26, 2025, clouds will appear in Poznań. The cloud cover is forecasted to be: 99.6 percent. You will find out later in the article whether precipitation will occur. What wind conditions await us in Wielkopolska today? Forecasts indicate that the wind will be from the north-west, and its speed will be from 1.5 km/h to 2.9 km/h.
We present the temperature forecast for Poznań for Wednesday, February 26, 2025. During the day, the maximum temperature in the capital of Wielkopolska is to be 5.2 degrees C, and the minimum temperature 0.3 degrees C. During the day, the average UV index will be: 0.4. At night, thermometers will show from 3.5 degrees C to 4.6 degrees C.
The weather forecast for Poznań for February 26, 2025 predicts rain. The amount of rainfall will be up to 0.4 mm. Follow the weather news in the capital of Wielkopolska on the "Fakt" website to find out if it will also rain in the following days.
What weather conditions await us today in Wielkopolska? The weather forecast for Wednesday, February 26, 2025 can be found below. Check the detailed data for individual locations in the Wielkopolska province:
City | Temperature | Precipitation |
Chodziez | 2.3°C - 5°C | up to 0.7 mm |
Czarnkow | 2.5°C - 4.2°C | up to 0.6 mm |
Gniezno | -0.2°C - 4.9°C | up to 0.2 mm |
Kalisz | 1.2°C - 8.5°C | up to 0.2 mm |
Wheel | 2.4°C - 10.6°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Konin | 0.2°C - 8.8°C | no precipitation |
Koscian | 0.6°C - 6°C | up to 0.5 mm |
Sulmierzyce | 1.5°C - 10.5°C | up to 0.4 mm |
Leszno | 1.3°C - 8.4°C | up to 0.4 mm |
Ostrow Wielkopolski | 1.5°C - 9.3°C | up to 0.3 mm |
Saw | 4.3°C - 5.4°C | up to 0.5 mm |
Lubon | 0.3°C - 5.8°C | up to 0.4 mm |
Słupiec | -0.1°C - 6.8°C | up to 0.1 mm |
Obrzycko | 0.9°C - 4°C | up to 0.5 mm |
Turk | 1.1°C - 9.3°C | no precipitation |
Wągrowiec | 1.6°C - 4.6°C | up to 0.5 mm |
Zlotow | 3.3°C - 4.6°C | up to 0.5 mm |
Weather forecasts based on data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MET Norway).
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