Weather forecast: Snow and ice in the southwest continue
Great caution is still advised in road traffic in the southwest: it could become slippery. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the mountainous areas above 600 meters are particularly affected. It could snow there until midday, said a DWD spokesperson.
In Freudenstadt there has already been around two centimetres of fresh snow and another two to three centimetres are expected. In the Upper Black Forest, meteorologists are expecting a further five to ten centimetres of fresh snow by midday. The snow will be accompanied by some stormy gusts.
The German Weather Service is expecting a break in the precipitation towards the evening. In the second half of the night on Thursday, it could start snowing again above 400 meters. However, the flakes will only stay in the Upper Black Forest. Nevertheless, the roads are expected to be slippery due to slush. The DWD had already warned of slippery conditions for the night on Wednesday. According to the police, however, there were no accidents on slippery roads.
According to the DWD spokesperson, the precipitation should stop by the weekend. It will be colder and generally sunny.
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