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KPÖ and LINKS on the ballot in Vienna election

KPÖ and LINKS on the ballot in Vienna election

The participation of KPÖ and LINKS in the Vienna election in 2025 is fixed. ©APA/MAX SLOVENCIK (symbolic image)

On Tuesday, the electoral alliance of KPÖ and LINKS announced that it had collected the necessary declarations of support to run in the Vienna election in all constituencies. KPÖ and LINKS can also run in the 23 district council elections.

The top candidate for the electoral alliance of KPÖ and LINKS in the Vienna election , Barbara Urbanic, used the successful collection of 2,850 declarations of support to express her thanks: "Thank you to all the activists who collected almost 3,000 declarations of support in the middle of winter. We received a lot of support from the people."

Urbanic sees the desire for a credible, social opposition to the SPÖ in Vienna City Hall and wants to focus on the issue of affordable housing in the Vienna election campaign. Angelika Adensamer from LINKS, who is running for the electoral alliance in second place, is also satisfied with the successful collection of declarations of support: "The fact that we are managing to do this right now, when the German LEFT has achieved its phenomenal election result, is a good omen. Like them, we will take a tough stance against the right. The fight for social justice and against racism are inseparable."

Top candidate Urbanic says of the election goals for the Vienna election: "The polls show that it is only a small step to crack the 5% hurdle. We want to convince people in the election campaign that we are the reliable opposition fighting for social justice. Ludwig will be mayor anyway: we are ready to keep an eye on him in the city hall." Adensamer on the Vienna election: "Since 2020, the KPÖ and LINKS have been active in 15 of 23 district councils. This time it's all about the big picture! Two parties, one common goal: to get into the city council and all 23 district parliaments. I'm looking forward to a lively election campaign!"

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  • VOL.AT
  • Vienna election
  • KPÖ and LINKS on the ballot in Vienna election

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